Frequently Asked Question Details :

Title: About wireless programming

Description: Details on how to obtain and install the drivers needed to communicate with the MS-880 using the Palmpilot.

Issue: How do I install the drivers into my Palm device so that I can use it to program my MS-880?

Solution: What you need:
 1. Palm Pilot with an IR port
 2. PC with internet connect and hotsynch cradle
 3. IrComm drivers
 4. VT100 Terminal Emulator application (shareware)
 How to obtain the drivers:
 Drivers are available in a zipped file that is available online at
 Installing the drivers:
 (Read the "readme.txt" file in the zip file for complete instructions.)
 1. Extract the file using a standard upzip utility. Save the 4 files in your Palm (or Pilot) directory which is usually found at C:\Palm or C:\Pilot)
 2. Put the Palm Pilot in its cradle.
 3. Launch Palm Desktop 3.0 on your PC.
 4. Select the Install Tool icon.
 5. Select the correct user name from the User list. Select the Add button.
 6. Locate AMX.prc, IrLib.prc, SerialIrPanel.prc and SerIrCommLib.prc in the Palm or Pilot directory. Select the Add button for each of these files.
 7. Select Done.
 8. Perform a Hotsynch to load drivers in the Palm unit.
 9. Select OK
 10. User a paperclip to perform a soft reset on your Palm III. For more details, see "Soft Reset" in your index of the Basic Handbook manual included with your Palm III.
 11. Go to the Prefs app, and select Serial/IR from the drop down list in the upper right hand corner. Tap the Infrared box to select infrared communications. You must restore the setting to Cradle in order to use the Hot-sync cradle.

Other Keywords: wireless programming, MS-880, MS880, MS 880, Programming with Palm pilot, IrDA, wireless communication, communicating with MS-880, communicating with MS 880, communicating with MS880,

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